A Vision Born From Experience

From our founder, Leigh Esau, "I am a product of the foster care system and my husband and I fostered over 20 children in our 13 years as foster parents. Through my experience I became painfully aware how very little has been done to focus on those first hours of a child entering into foster care. Because of my life experience, I am uniquely qualified to share my expertise in helping children transition into foster care. This includes providing a safe Haven, a meal and new clothes - simple things that speak dignity into the lives of children in the midst of trauma."


foster care boy nervous about the transition into foster care



Foster Care Closet

Foster care is a journey, not a destination. We are here to help support our youth the entire foster care journey.

  • We continue to provide up to 5 NEW outfits during each Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter season for as long as the child remains in foster care.
  • We provide a quiet environment that is not open to the public to help accommodate any special needs for our youth or for their caregiver.
  • We are open four days a week for walk-in shopping, no appointments required.
  • We provide additional support resources to families navigating the road of foster care.

The Foster Haven

We don't believe foster care should start in a cubicle!
  • We are available 24/7 for the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services to bring a youth who must enter into the foster care system.
  • We have trained staff to support youth in those first hours of their foster care journey.
  • Our environment allows case managers to visually see the youth the entire time but protect the youth from overhearing difficult conversations.
  • A youth will transition into foster care with a full tummy and 5 NEW outfits (and more clothing!).

The Foster Haven/Foster Care Closet

We are guided by 3 core values that focus on meeting the immediate needs of children in crisis as they enter into the foster care system and continued support through their foster care journey.

  • We treat people with dignity
    • We use words that build
    • Every person has value and we serve with excellence
    • We don't pity our clients
    • We believe value is NOT earned or based on situation, appearance, behavior, ability or talent
  • We know our stuff
    • We never send someone away with the answer, "I'm sorry we can't help"
    • We work to build connections and resources within our communities for our families
    • We find a way to solve the problem in front of us
    • We stay focused on what we CAN do and don't get distracted by what we CAN'T do
  • We are a team
    • We have open and honest communication
    • Everyone's role matters, so play it!
    • We celebrate wins and we celebrate each other
    • We do what it takes to move the team forward, even if it means we step outside of our roles
    • We are proactive in seeking solutions and presenting ideas