Instead of Pointing a Finger, We Hold Their Hand…

Why Children Come Into Foster Care

There’s a myth out there that many kids are in foster care because of something they did.  It’s surprising, but that belief is stronger than you might realize.  Especially when it comes to teenagers, many assume there was behavior issues with the child.  Although there may be some isolated instances where that is the case, it’s the exception, not the rule.  


In reality, homes where there is drug use, physical, sexual and emotional abuse, domestic violence, severe neglect, intolerable living conditions and unaddressed medical concerns are the leading causes of children being removed from the home.  One of the most discouraging reasons for removal is extreme poverty.  “If I could talk to the Church in America today, I would tell them, ‘We could stop this if each church helped meet the needs of even one family in extreme poverty.’  It’s so sad to me to see a family ripped apart because of poverty, but it does happen.”  Leigh Esau, Executive Director for the Foster Care Closet said shaking her head.  Multi-generational removals are also common.  Grandparent was in foster care, parent was in foster children are being removed.  


Intake Care CenterAt the peak of this crisis, is the actual moment of removal.  It is the critical point when children are introduced to foster care that we, as a ministry, have the opportunity to love them, care for them and meet their needs.  In this moment, we can be the hands and feet of Jesus and provide compassion and dignity through the simple act of giving them some new clothes to wear, something to eat and maybe an empathetic ear or shoulder on which to cry.  This is the Foster Care Closet Intake Care Center.  It’s a calm place in the midst of the turbulent storm that is their life.   Night or day, the Intake Care Center is there for these wounded children.  We strive to be the first emotional bandages and spiritual first aid these kiddos receive when being introduced to foster care.


“Foster Care needs to be treated with urgency, and it's just not.  A removal is like a trip to the ER.  It's as serious as an amputation.  We can put that lost limb back on, but there are scars, healing, pain and it may never function like it used to function.”  Esau said.  When a child is removed from the home it has a lasting impact on their life.  It’s an experience that will, most likely, leave them with more questions than answers.  We try to answer the question...Am I loved?

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